Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday's Assignment

Today do U6M1L1.
Try and add your Bravenet site to the site manager of NVu (button on left labeled "Edit Sites" will get you there.
This is due Thursday, 5/8.

Monday, May 5, 2008


You will now cry.

All of my web pages are perfect XHTML 1.0 Strict. My CSS is valid level 2.1.

Bravenet sight is updated with perfection. Yet, Bravenet throws all their junk unto it, ruining my perfection. Sigh.


Hey! Get this! (I'm so happy)
I validated my CSS and it found no errors first try! Woot! Makes me happy:) No fixes! yah:)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I got it to work! My computer had a brain melt...that is if it had a brain.

okay doke! I did it. I think my computer was having a bad day yesterday because I tried it again and it worked! (sorry about that matt! Thanks for the help -even if I didn't use it!- the effort was nice)

I still have to check it and fix a few links that are not working. Not too very hard to do!

Weeooh, I'm glad I got that fixed....except now I have several more chapters of Pride and Prejudice to read and math to do! That weekend has been filled with tiresome things (the ball was amazing btw!)

LeeAnna :) :) :) :) :) :)

Alright, Leeanna

Here's the way it works:

In the first image, that's how the fields need to be filled out, but with your own information. I take it you've already set up the FTP account with Bravenet? You did that in class with Mr. Buck, right?

In the second image, on the left is my portfolio folder on my computer, and on the right is the web folder to which I'm uploading. To get to the folder on the left, just navigate through your computer folders to your portfolio, and to get the files uploaded to the left side, select all of the folders and files on the left, and click that blue arrow just above them, which will upload them to the folder on the right.

Got it? Good. =^)

BTW, click on the images to view a larger version.