Thursday, April 10, 2008

font thing

Here's a Bravenet newsletter featuring a crazy hack to use a font that's not typically installed on a user's computer without using an image.

Edit: that's the wrong link. Will change and notify later. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

For the float lesson...

...if it's not working for you, float both div sections left. =^)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Woot! Display that code!!!!!!

I found one!!!!!!!!!!!



Use this converter to convert code so that you can display it on a web page. Now we can post code on here!!!!!

You'll see in this post I was annoyed about it.

Here's some source code from my index.htm.


<p><a href="#MainContent">Skip to main content</a></p>

<h1>Nathaniel Robertson's Web Portfolio</h1>

<h2>Web Design 1 with Mr. Buck, Period 4</h2>

<a href =""><h3>Providence Academy</h3></a>

<p>723 College Street<br />

Lostine, OR 97857</p>

email removed

<hr />

<p>My goals for this course are to gain real world experience in web design and to have <strong><em>fun</em></strong> with friends.</p>

<hr />

<h3><a name="MainContent" />Required Projects</h3>


<li><a href="unit4.htm">Unit Four: Graphics</a></li>


<li>Evaluation of web graphics</li>

<li>GIF vs. JPEG</li>

<li>Web photo album</li>

<li>Sample buttons</li>

<li>3-D box</li>

<li>Receive instructor's approval of banner</li>


Edit: I think we could do with out all those line breaks, but... it's a lot better than nothing. :D


<p><a href="#MainContent">Skip to main content</a></p>
<h1>Nathaniel Robertson's Web Portfolio</h1>
<h2>Web Design 1 with Mr. Buck, Period 4</h2>
<a href =""><h3>Providence Academy</h3></a>
<p>723 College Street<br />
Lostine, OR 97857</p>
email removed
<hr />
<p>My goals for this course are to gain real world experience in web design and to have <strong><em>fun</em></strong> with friends.</p>
<hr />
<h3><a name="MainContent" />Required Projects</h3>
<li><a href="unit4.htm">Unit Four: Graphics</a></li>
<li>Evaluation of web graphics</li>
<li>GIF vs. JPEG</li>
<li>Web photo album</li>
<li>Sample buttons</li>
<li>3-D box</li>
<li>Receive instructor's approval of banner</li>

CSS Tutorials

Some stuff I found with Google!

CSS Tutorials:


Also, at W3, CSS Tutorial.