Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday's Assignment

Today do U6M1L1.
Try and add your Bravenet site to the site manager of NVu (button on left labeled "Edit Sites" will get you there.
This is due Thursday, 5/8.


Nathaniel said...

Got it, sir!
KompoZer could really use a better site manager though. That will help it compete with Dreamweaver. *grin*

Happy birthday! Maybe I can still get my permit before you do. ;)

Matthew said...

I need to get my license soon...

Anyways, I'm on the assignment.


LeeAnna said...

(thanks gnat!) I'm 15!!...I don't feel any different. hmm...what is the point of birthdays? hmmm...
Anyway, I dare you to get your permit first, Gnat!

Okay...homework time....and 2morrow is bring a friend day! Yeah....except Tyler can't come:(
BUT HEY! I have other friends...I think;) lol....


Matthew said...

You have friends? Wooooaaahh. That must be neat. I wish I had friends. I wish I had a life. But I'm just a poor, misunderstood geek. :p

Nathaniel said...

poor Matthew... :p

You could bring me, but I already go to the school. Maybe if I put a funny hat on, Mr. Buck won't recognize me. Like a sombrero... hehe. jk

As for the dare... I'm lazy, but I almost couldn't stand you getting your permit before I get mine. So I better get on it... :p

Nathaniel said...

So, what about class tomorrow. Is Mr. Buck going to teach it from home?

Matthew said...

Maybe we'll get permission to network OMF! :D

Nathaniel said...

Where is everybody?? Mr. Buck is with the Government class, I think, Matthew is in the Government class, and the Government class is gone watching the Supreme Court in action in Wallowa County. And LeeAnna is trying to get her logic video done. And she asked me to be in it. I'm evil. :p Now they will fail...

Nathaniel said...

guess i answered my own questions... i wonder when the government class is getting back... if they're coming back.