Saturday, April 5, 2008

I discovered new is this?

Okay, I was giving up with my problem and moving on to the homework. I was starting U2M4L2...I understand it perfectly, BUT when I went to do it I found something really odd. Okay, get this, you know how when you move your mouse over a link it shows it's sourse or whatever along the very bottom of your page? Well when I go over the "Unit Four: Graphics" link it doesn't show file:///G:/portfolio_leeanna/unit4.htm like it should (that's not a supposed to be a link btw. oh well...) Instead it includes all of the coding that's not showing up on the page its self. Do you get it?

Like this...move your cursor over this link but don't click on it: okay, see the info on the bottom of your browser? see it? okay, that's what I'm talking about. when I move my cursor over the Unit Four: Graphics link it shouldn't say:


Providence Academy School of Classical Christian Education

723 College St.
Lostine, OR 97857
(541) 569-5155

Contact LeeAnna by e-mail:

In Mr. Buck's web design class I hope to accomplish a lot, including a better understanding of the web. I would like to be able to make a website of my own by using coding. I am extremely interested in the arts and I hope that this will broaden my horizons when it comes to designing appealing art on the web. I hope I will be able to use the skills to display my photography and music. Perhaps, even, promote my family's business.

Required Projects

..............................." but it does. AND THAT'S THE STUFF THAT'S NOT SHOWING UP ON MY PAGE! so how did I do this? I have no clue....but it's really bothering me....cause it looks fine.....ugh.....
I'm just going to finish what I can cause I'm tired of this.......

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