Thursday, February 21, 2008

3rd times the charm

Hello, web smart people. I'm glad that you decided to visit.

Anyway... on to the homework.

Who you are? Nathaniel.
How old are you? 15
Why do you want to take this class? I want to gain web design skill, real world experience, and have some fun with good friends!
What you think your grade will be in this class? B+ to A+. Is that optimistic enough?
What sort of invention does the "web" need to make it the best for the future: more bandwidth!! OK, how about a morphing of the web into an experience? Hit F11 and get sucked into the WWW, complete with Pandora streamed background music, and optional browsing widgets (claps for Opera and Firefox here).
What would you do with a $1,000,000 to help the world around you? First I would help out our poor struggling school. And then maybe help finance Christian outreach in the United States. After all, if some see us as a Christian nation, we should be a good witness! Ok, we should be one anyway, but... the US is pretty influential on the world.
Why do you think some web businesses fail and other succeed? Some of it can be first impressions. But if web businesses are failing to provide pleasing enough visuals/interfaces and their services don't work, they're doomed.
What is the most interesting thing you learned online in the last two weeks? Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 3 was released. alright, so i had to pick something.

Right, ho, over and out.

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